International Hardy Plant Union
Servatiusstraße 53
D 53175 Bonn

Telephone: +49 228 81002 51
E-Mail: info@isu-perennials.org

26 Aug 2024

ISU honors four novelties with the ISU Awards in Angers

29 perennial novelties were entered for the International Hardy Plant-Union (ISU) trial in Angers. 25 could be evaluated, reported Jonas Bengtsson, President of the ISU Trial Commission at the meeting on August 11 in Angers. He presented the varieties to the committee and then evaluated them with the members of the viewing commission at the outdoor facility of the INH University. Here they were planted and cared for over 1.5 years.

In the trial commission Bernd Hertle, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences and Chairman of the Perennial Plant Sighting Working Group in the Association of German Perennial Gardeners, provided detailed information on the results of the completed sightings. At 18 locations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic, assortments are planted and evaluated in locations with different climates, thus achieving reliable assessments of perennial assortments. Jo Bogaerts from Belgium spoke in favor of integrating the sighting in Belgium here as well. Ronald Houtman announced the opening of a 4 ha garden in Boskoop, in which Baptisia varieties, among others, will be judged. The garden will be financed in part by the users and the city of Alphen aan den Rijn. Paul Goderham informed about the trial in England, which is organized by the Royal Horticultural Society RHS.


Winner of the ISU-Awards 2024

The jury presented three awards and the ISU Summer Days perennial experts voted for an audience award.

Phlox QUEEN PAOLA JS® `Koningin Paola' PBR

Sender: Spruyt Select CommV

Very specific is the shift of flower colour from pale to dark purple. The impressing variety grows up to 60 cm with flowers, firm and compact. Flowering time June to August. Normal soil, not too dry and sun are good conditions.

Perovskia atriplifolia `Prime Time'

Sender: Plantipp BV

This is an early season blooming Russian sage with large, dense lavender-purple flower and grey-green aromatic foliage. The colour of flowers last through October. Very special is the dense, upright habit with strong stems up to a maximum height of 90 cm. It thrives in full sun- prefered-and semi-shade in well drained soil.

Euphorbia `KMMM024' (MINERS MERLOT)

Sender: Plantipp BV

Strong upright stems and vigorous grow are charasteristic for this novelty. Also the dark green foliage and dark, burgundy new red growth and stems. The colour is even more intense in colder climate. In early spring bright lime-yellow flowers appear with a beautiful contrast with the dark foliage.

Pycnanthemum flexuosum JS® `Carte Blanche'

Sender: Spruyt Select CommV

This compact and very floriferous variety has green leaves and white flowers. It is very steady and 40 cm heigh, with flowers 60 cm in July-September. Full sun and not too humid are best conditions to grow.

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